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“From early on, it was made clear in my home that honesty, hard work, a belief in God, and respect for others were important in life."  

As our State Senator, Larry Stutts has delivered on his foremost promise – to bring jobs back to Northwest Alabama. With unemployment at an all-time low, the pro-growth policies promoted by Larry and Republican leadership are showing results. Larry voted to create a business-friendly environment and to decrease taxes. The pro-business environment is starting to pay dividends.

Throughout his career, Larry has seen firsthand the problems that stem from government overreach. As a farmer, a cattleman, timber owner, doctor, veterinarian, and small businessman, he has seen how regulations can stifle innovation and prosperity. In Montgomery, Larry works to make government smaller, reduce taxes, and cut red tape. His vision is for an Alabama where everyone has an opportunity to achieve their dreams and provide for their family.


Brave individuals that serve in the United States military should never question our appreciation of their service and sacrifice. Larry supports veterans and those active in the service. In Montgomery, he voted for better scholarship benefits for veterans to ensure a bright future.

As a medical provider, it is disheartening for him to hear stories of bad experiences with the Department of Veteran Affairs. Provisions for our country’s service men and women are one of the most basic obligations of the government. Larry regularly provides healthcare for patients whose husbands are deployed and risking their lives for our freedom. Recently, he has been providing medical services to veterans and their families in an effort to decrease the wait time to receive healthcare.


Larry does not support any proposed gun control laws that would limit the rights of gun ownership for responsible and law-abiding citizens. As a believer in the American Bill of Rights and a gun owner, he believes it is critical for Alabamians to recognize the importance of the Fourth Amendment’s statement that we are free from unreasonable and warrantless searches. The Fourth Amendment goes hand-in-hand with the Second Amendment’s ability to protect gun ownership. Any attempt to infringe upon this sacred and personal right will be opposed vigorously by Senator Stutts.


Believing that all human life is special and designed by our Creator, Larry Stutts is 100% pro-life. As an OBGYN who has delivered more than 12,000 babies, he knows firsthand the innocence of the unborn. He is an avid spokesman for Shoals Sav-A-Life and been their Medical Director for over 20 years. In the State Senate, he has been an unashamed advocate for life from conception to natural death, and he will continue fighting for the right to life at all stages.


As a product of public education with two doctorate level degrees, Larry is devoted to improving the education system. He is for providing teachers and schools with the right tools to help reach the needs of their students. He holds to the principle of parent-driven, child-centered education, and he believes that decisions are best made at the local level. He voted to increase educational funding and teacher salaries. He has also helped schools receive grants such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

​No function of state government is more important than securing a pathway to success for the next generation. As our State Senator, Larry has fought for stronger education, to equip and promote teachers, for greater local and parental control, and a more hopeful future for our students. Together, we can build for tomorrow by continuing to better the quality of education for the children of our communities.

The educational system should produce students ready for the workforce and prepared for a successful future in the ever-expanding global environment. Having a well-educated and prepared workforce plays a major role in bringing more jobs to Alabama and Senate District 6. Larry supports the efforts of educators to prepare the students of today to be the leaders of tomorrow.


A healthcare provider for the people of Senate District 6 since 1992, Larry is focused on finding ways to make healthcare more affordable and efficient while maintaining the highest quality of care possible.

Larry wants to make sure the citizens of Senate District 6 continue to have access to excellent healthcare and is concerned with the possible closings of rural hospitals. He has promoted medical student scholarships to increase the number of physicians in underserved areas. As major employers in our communities, hospitals should remain appropriately funded so they can continue to provide healthcare and jobs. Larry understands the importance of balance between affordable patient care and cost-saving measures necessary to remain in business. This delicate balance is better suited for less regulation from the government and more freedom given to the physician and other healthcare providers to treat patients as individuals.

As a physician, Larry has personal experience with the vast problems facing patients from all walks of life. His common-sense approach to patient care has improved the quality of life for many in the area. He has supported efforts to decrease Medicaid costs. Larry has been named a Medicaid preferred physician by the State of Alabama because of his quality care to patients.


The radical Left has begun a full-fledged assault on our founding right – the freedom of religion. People of faith have a right to live according to their conscience and to speak biblical truth. Larry Stutts will guard Alabama from government dictating to churches and faith-based organizations, imposing its agenda on pastors and business owners, and violating our individual consciences.

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Funded by Stutts for Senate | PO Box 1014 | Tuscumbia, AL 35674


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